Probation Violations Attorney in Boca Raton & Palm Beach

You may be charged with violation of probation (VOP) either if you commit another crime or if you violate one of the “technical” requirements of your probation or parole (for example, if you fail to show up for a scheduled meeting with your probation officer).

A judge will issue an arrest warrant, and once you are in jail, you may be held without a bond, which means you may have to stay in jail until a preliminary hearing is held.

If you violate your probation, a probation violation hearing will be held. You have no right to a jury trial, and the “reasonable doubt” standard of proof does not apply. Instead, the prosecutor has the easier job of proving “by the preponderance of the evidence” that you violated your probation. If the judge rules that you did violate your probation, several penalties – up to and including jail time – may apply.

Boca Raton, Florida, Probation Violations Attorney

Probation violations are serious matters in the world of criminal law. If you are charged with a probation violation, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer who is available immediately – your first hearing will be held within 24 hours of your arrest.

Attorney Peter Peiettine of Boca Raton, Florida, has been a criminal defense attorney for more than 25 years. In that time, he has handled numerous Probation Violation cases.

We have a 24-hour emergency telephone number – call us at (561) 368-6042 immediately if you need legal representation in a probation violation hearing.

Other Practice Areas

1. Criminal Defense

2. Family Law

3. Divorce

4. Child Support

5. Child Custody

6. Juvenile Dependency

7. Parental Relocation 

8. Domestic Violence Defense

9. Drug Related Offenses


We offer free initial telephone consultations and in-person consultations for a reasonable flat fee that is credited against a client’s retainer fee if we are hired. Discuss your case in a confidential setting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Call our law office at (561) 368-6042 or send text to cell: (561) 251-2104. You can also send us an e-maill.